Will FarCry Change its Open Source License (CPL) to a Dual License Model with GPLv3?

There has been a lot of buzz this week when Daemon announced they were thinking of changing their open source license model from Common Public License 1.0 (CPL) to a dual license with the GNU GPL License v3 (GPL).

I sat with Geoff Bowers, President and CEO of Daemon Internet Consultants, to ask him why they were thinking of changing to a dual license model.

Check out the article on Fusion Authority and see what all the buzz is about.

Speaking at the Boston CFUG Tonight

I'll be speaking at the Boston CFUG tonight about FarCry 4.0 (6:00pm ET). If interested and you're in the area stop by to see what's new in FarCry (Sorry, it will not be broadcast via Breeze/Connect).

FarCry 4.0 Training Course Released Under Creative Commons License

Head on over to the Daemonite blog to get your hands on the latest release of the FarCry training course in PDF format.

Now released under the Creative Commons license for personal use, readers will have can indulge themselves in 122 pages of FarCry goodness.

New FMRP Website Using FarCry 4

A few days ago I launched a new website for Middlesex Hospital FMRP (

The site is not fairly large, but does take advantage of custom types, form tools, object broker, and more.

We really had to rush this site out the door to meet a tight deadline. From the imitial meetings, to content gathering and graphic design... we had only one month to design and make this site.

To make matters worse, I didn't have the final CSS+XHTML in my lap until a few days before launch. So I wrote all of the FarCry code in record time. Unfortunately I had to code about 20+ hours a day and 2 days into my holiday/vacation, but I'm happy we met the deadline and got the site up and running in time for the FMRP recruiting event.

FarCry Core 4.0.4 Released

Early this morning FarCry Core version 4.0.4 was released. This is just the core/framework (not the CMS plugin). Although many plugins (including the FarCry CMS plugin) will benefit from this update.

There were many updates in this release, but I'll highlight a few that interested me.

A Few Highlights

  • TinyMCE updated to version 2.1.1
  • Better Safari support
  • Ajax updates/fixes
  • dmCron updates
  • DB updates for PostgreSQL and Oracle

Changelog/Release Notes


Subversion Tag

Special thanks again to Daemon Internet Consultants for another great release.

Another FarCry 4 Website Launched

Today I wrapped up the final code pieces for a new website (

Upon viewing the site we aimed at making the user experience quick and painless; getting the user right to the point (viewing the vehicles that are currently on the lot and for sale).

However, behind the scenes there is much more going on. We're of course using many new features in FarCry 4.0 (formtools, object broker, extended arrays, etc), but there are a few extra tidbits in there to help make things easier for the client.

When the client came to me originally they just wanted the website and a management tool to create and maintain the vehicle data. So we created a normalized database with many relational tables allowing for future growth (ie. A possible Advanced Search in a future release which can use the normalized DB for search filtering).

Then shortly before the initial launch date they asked if it was possible to auto-import the vehicle data daily using limited CSV data.

Long-story-short there is a massive import script in the backend which runs nightly. It takes the CSV file (with only limited data), runs it through a VIN decoding service (web service) and returns the data I need. Any images for the vehicles are uploaded and 5 different sizes are created for each vehicle (used throughout the site for various marking purposes).

Whew, its been a fun site :). We are already planning Phase II for the site and couldn't be more happy (Phase II will incorporate more functionality and update some functionality we couldn't get into Phase I).

FarCry 4.01 Officially Released

Its official. FarCry 4.01 is officially released. Version 4.0 was quietly released a little over a month ago (A couple of the plugins weren't ready for their 1.0.0 release yet).

Go to the downloads page and get the 4.01 suite which includes the following:

  • core (4.0.1)
  • plugins/farcrycms (1.0.0)
  • plugins/farcrycfximage (1.0.0)
  • plugins/googleMaps (1.0.0)

A special thanks to Geoff Bowers and his team and Daemon Internet Consultants for another great FarCry release.

And for those of you documentation nuts, Geoff and his team have been hard at work. Much has already been published in the last few weeks and more is on the way.

I'll Be Speaking at CF.Objective 2007

I'll once again be speaking at the ColdFusion conference CF.Objective this year (last year was a blast).

This year I'll be covering the new (yet ot be released) FarCry 4.0. A list of some of the sessions was posted earlier tonight on the CF.Objective Sessions Page as well as a mini description of my session.

My session will be convering some of the new features in FarCry 4.0 including the new object broker, "formtools" technology, instant wizards and more.

New FarCry 4.0 Site Launched

Without further ado I am finally able to show the new website for Lowell General Hospital in Lowell Massachusetts ( outside of Boston.

As the title suggests this site is using FarCry 4.0 (beta).

The website technically has been in development for almost two years, however the majority of that time has been content gathering and multiple meetings (it's quite a content-heavy site). The ColdFusion coding portion started in the beginning of December 2006 and launched February 12, 2007 (just over two months).

Unfortunately the site was rushed (it was originally scheduled to be a 6-month development project) so there are a few quirks here and there that we're working out last-minute, but overall I am very pleased with the final result. And FarCry 4.0 made it possible.

I didn't get here alone. Many people know that during the past 2+ months I've been working on this site pretty much 8am to 5am (including weekends... and yes I worked the holidays as well). A few people I'd like to thank are:

  • Mat Bryant (the brains behind most of the new features in FarCry 4 and who put up with my constant daily/evening/night owl questions)
  • Stephen Moretti (while the both of us continue to learn and feed off each other's ideas for FarCry 4)
  • The content team/editors at LGH (thanks for bearing with me as I broke the site code several times during development)
  • My family (who had a running joke about "Rare Jeff Sightings" because I was locked away in my office most of the time)
  • And many others.

webDU Conference 2007 March 22-23

Update: My apologies. In the blog post title I had May instead of "March". Please note the dates are March 22-23 2007. Hey, it almost 4 am when I posted that :). (Thanks Geoff for pointing it out!)

The guys at Daemon are at it again. This year webDU promises to be another great web technology conference. Speakers like Tim Buntel, Mike Chambers, Ted Patrick, James Talbot, and Charlie Arehart (to name a few) will be there to once again share their expertise in tools and languages we know and love.

This will be the first year am I going to webDU (and my first year in Oz). I will be speaking on the new upcoming FarCry 4.0 Application Framework and some of it's really cool new features that have been added in this revision that help make FarCry development even easier and more streamlined than ever before.

Oh, and if you get a chance make sure to check out the cool new mug shot of me put together by the awesome team from Nectarine.

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