New CF8 Exam Buster Released

Centrasoft recently released their new version of the CF8 Exam Buster to help those interested in studying for the Adobe ColdFusion 8 Certification.

Personally I no desire to take the exam (see my previous post from a couple years ago or Ray Camden's recent comments on the test), but Brian (Centrasoft) always does such an excellent job with his CF Exam Buster that I'd like to compare his product with that of the actual exam (Maybe Adobe should hire him in the future to write their CF exams :) ). So I've got myself a copy of the CF8 Exam Buster and as soon as I have a chance, I'm going to run through it.

Below is a copy of the press release Brian has posted. If you're looking to study for the CF8 exam, definitely consider his product (note: only runs on Windows. I installed it in VMWare Win2k3-64 and it runs great).

CF8 Exam Buster from CentraSoft (

CF8 Exam Buster is the ultimate testing tool specifically designed to help ColdFusion developers earn their Adobe ColdFusion 8 Certification through the Adobe Certified Professional Program.

CF8 Exam Buster has 384 questions designed to help you prepare for all aspects of the actual ColdFusion 8 certification exam. CF8 Exam Buster allows you to take six different tests, 11 topic tests for your weak areas, and the ability to create random tests.

All 384 questions have explanations and reference URLs to further aid your studies and build your ColdFusion knowledge.

During your test you can save your test in progress, submit comments, bookmark questions, pause your test, and much more. You can control the look and feel of the CF8 Exam Buster application, by setting the fonts, colors, and appearance of many controls, to create a studying environment with which you are comfortable. After your test is scored, you will be shown a comprehensive breakdown of your test results.

There is a DEMO version on the Centrasoft website (, which allows you to check out all the features of the program, plus one whole test.

Read what people are saying about the Exam Buster product on our testimonials page (some early CF8 comments are already on there):

Check out CF8 Exam Buster today! Thanks, Brian Simmons [email protected] The ultimate Adobe ColdFusion 8 Certification testing tool: Check out CF8 Exam Buster at:

ColdFusion, and Adobe are registered trademarks of Adobe Corporation. Adobe Corporation in no way endorses or is affiliated with Centrasoft Corporation.

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Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Mark Cadle's Gravatar Question though, if Adobe is not updating the certification, did ExamBuster update their software or is it the same as before, just a new label? I own their CF MX 7 software and it was really good. So I just want to know if I should buy their new one or is the same as mine.
#1 by Mark Cadle | 8/17/08 7:01 PM
Jeff Coughlin's Gravatar Adobe updated their CF8 exam (or at least the vendor they hired did) with some CF8 questions (keep in mind that they can't "just" ask CF8-only features). Read Ray's blog (link reference in blog post) for more on that topic.
#2 by Jeff Coughlin | 8/17/08 11:30 PM
Mark Cadle's Gravatar Thanks for your response Jeff. I read all of Ray's post and I guess what I was commenting on, was Ray's quote of "The tests will not be rewritten for the current versions. " This is what had me questioning everything. I know you don't work for Centrasoft, but I thought you might be in the know.
#3 by Mark Cadle | 8/18/08 1:11 AM
Brian Simmons's Gravatar Hi Mark,
Adobe ColdFusion 8 certification is definitely different than the CFMX 7.0 certification exam. Certainly there's still material from the CF4/5/6/7 days, but there are new 8.0-related features on there. I really don't understand that comment from Ray about the tests not being rewritten for the current versions. It doesn't make a lot of sense, and I think it might be taken out of context or not referenced properly.
For CF8 Exam Buster, I did a complete overhaul of the questions databank of the previous product, which explains the jump downward from 875 questions to 384 questions in the new version. I focused on quality versus quantity, and targeting just what's on the exam (i.e. no fluff or "hangover" questions from previous versions).
There is upgrade pricing (for previous customers), so I definitely think it's worth a look if you're thinking about re-upping your certification. And it really shouldn't be a financial burden on anyone, which is one of the reasons I haven't altered the pricing in almost 8 years of selling the product line.
Thanks, Brian
#4 by Brian Simmons | 8/19/08 9:50 AM
Vivek Sejpal's Gravatar I took the CF MX 7 exam last year and scored 89% on that, thus certifying at "advanced" level. The CFMX 7 exam. Does the CF 8 exam(9A0-066) have a similar breakup where 70>=CERTIFIED <85 and 85>=ADVANCED CERTIED
#5 by Vivek Sejpal | 2/25/09 4:32 AM
Adina Cannon's Gravatar Thanks for sharing information. Nowadays many of the people like to do certification to improve their career. Certification is an extra qualification for IT professionals. Online training and dump questions are available for IT certifications.
#6 by Adina Cannon | 8/11/09 6:22 AM

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