New FarCry Plugin: jcFarcryFlvPlayer

The jcFarcryFlvPlayer plugin for FarCry gives you a flash-based video player for your website.

The plugin takes advantage of the JW FLV Media Player (a flash-based audio/video player) to offer your website/web-application users playback of your video and audio content (FLV, MP3, H264, SWF, JPG, PNG and GIF).


Listing Page (teasers)

Example screenshot taken from:

Video Player/Details Page

Example screenshot taken from:

I wrote the original version of this code about a year ago for another client. As more clients needed the feature (I'm now using it on 3 different FarCry websites) the need for converting it to a reusable plugin was evident. I finished the plugin for mass consumption by January, but never got around to releasing it (due to inadequate documentation :) ).

There are two version of the plugin (v1.0.x for FarCry 4, and v1.1.x for FarCry 5). Both currently have the same functionality (they are just designed for different versions of FarCry).

Find more information and detailed documentation on the docs/wiki page.

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Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
marco's Gravatar Awesome plugin, thanks for sharing!
#1 by marco | 8/15/08 12:52 PM
Jeff Coughlin's Gravatar @Marco: Thanks. If you're interested, I just released an update to the plugin last night (more like early this morning :) ).
#2 by Jeff Coughlin | 8/15/08 2:13 PM
Marco's Gravatar Ah ok great, right now i'm on a try out site, as soon as i go live with
a site i will greatfully use the update!

Thanks for the late / early hours you make for us :)
#3 by Marco | 8/15/08 3:54 PM
Jason's Gravatar Hi Jeff,

Am not sure you've seen the issue post on the google code page for the plug-in (

What could be possibly going wrong
#4 by Jason | 8/10/10 7:42 PM
Jeff Coughlin's Gravatar @Jason, I'm not sure (since I haven't really used that plugin in a very long time and I have a much newer version I wrote a couple years ago, but never got around to releasing). I believe that error is specific to the Mollio templet for FarCry (I'm not positive though)
#5 by Jeff Coughlin | 8/12/10 4:23 AM
Jason's Gravatar Hi Jeff,

Sorry for the lateness getting back to your reply.
Would you be willing to release the newer version?
#6 by Jason | 9/20/10 7:46 PM
Jeff Coughlin's Gravatar @Jason, At the moment I don't plan on releasing it to the public (it takes a lot of time to do cross-platform testing and documentation updates every time we make plugin releases or major updates).

But I'll be happy to send you a copy personally. I believe I did in fact update some of the docs and stuff at the time (I can't recall though). But please keep in mind that I can't support this version for you as I no longer use it myself. Just send me a an email and I'll zip it up for you (you might like it actually. It has a few new features like player skinning). jeff [at] jeffcoughlin -dot- com
#7 by Jeff Coughlin | 9/29/10 2:53 PM

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