Watch Out for Those Pesky Underscores

Earlier this summer I had service done on my house (new home, lots of warranty things all spring and summer). I don't remember which company it was (could have been the sprinkler company), but when I got the bill from them I placed it on the kitchen counter and forgot about it the rest of the day.

When my partner got home and saw it she couldn't stop laughing. I looked at the client info (me) and saw what she was laughing about.

Apparently when I gave the woman over the phone my personal info, I had given her one of my generic email addresses that has an underscore in it.

Yup, you guessed it. She actually wrote out the word underscore in my email address.

Are there awards for people like this? :)

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Keith Peters's Gravatar My domain is I always used to spell it out: b, i, t, hyphen, 1, 0, 1. The hyphen never failed to get a little hesitation. But I finally gave u when I saw someone write bit/101. Now, though it pains me, I say "dash". :)
#1 by Keith Peters | 8/10/06 8:15 AM
Rob Brooks-Bilson's Gravatar I havew the same problem when people ask for my last name. The hyphen has caused all sorts of fun. My favorite was when i got listed as brooks~bilson.
#2 by Rob Brooks-Bilson | 8/10/06 10:15 AM

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